operators - arethmics and other stuff

Pike has the following operators:

a(args) function call
a[b..c] range
a[b] index
--a pre decrement
a-- post decrement
++a pre increment
a++ post increment
(type)a cast
~a complement
!a not
-a negate
a/b divide
a%b modulo
a*b multiply
a-b subtract
a+b add
>> shift right
<< shift left
a>b greater than?
a<b lesser than?
a>=b greater or equal than?
a<=b lesser or equal than?
a!=b not equal to?
a==b equal to?
a&b intersection
a^b xor (symmetric differance)
a|b union
a&&b logical and
a||b logical or
a?b:c condition
a=b assignment

The ones at the top of the list are parsed before operators lower down on the list. This means that a|b&c means a|(b&c) not (a|b)&c. Look at the individual pages for fuller explanations of what they do.

Then there is also the @ "splice" operator which can only be used in argument lists.

Arguments to operators are always computed from left to right.

Many (but not all) of these operators can also be used as by prepending with a ` sign. For instance `+(a,b) is the same as a+b. These functions are called "operator functions" and the following are currently available:

`== `!= `! `< `<= `> `>= `+ `- `& `| `^ `<< `>> `* `/ `% `~

These operator functions are basically "efuns", but beware, if you re-define the `+ function a+b will also be redefined.

On top of all this, many operators can also be overloaded. Overloading an operator lets you specify how operators works on your objects. To overload an operator you simply put the corresponding operator function as a method in your object. An example:

> program nine=class {

int `+(int arg) { return arg+9; }
Result: program
> clone(nine)+1;
Result: 10

This little example defines a program that works almost like the number nine. As you can see, clone(nine)+1 is the same as clone(nine)->`+(1) in this case, and that is the whole point of operator overloading. Note however that it would not have worked to write 1+clone(nine) because operator overloading only works if the first argument is the object with the overloaded function. Well, almost anyway, the operators <, >, <=, >= can check both sides. In fact, the methods `<= and `>= will never be called since Pike will translate a<=b to !(a>b).

These are the operators you can overload:

`== also overloads `!=
`! This is also used by if-statements to find out if the object in question is 'true' or not.
`< also overloads `>=
`> also overloads `<=

If you also define a function __hash to return an integer, which must be equal for all objects where `== is true you can index mappings on the contents of your objects rather than on the object itself. More details about this will come later.
